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Den of Melodies

Listen or Play tunes that ur Heart sings. Play soft tunes and Respect ppl or the Owner/Admins have full privilege to BOUNCE u

Room Owner: Monsoon Breeze

Rating: R - Adult language permitted

English 0 0


Followers 166

Recent Reviews

  • 1/5

    Pros: Nothing good. Find another good room!gypsy_pr1nc3ss uir just as bad for kissing his ass u goon! I am being honest.

    Cons: The assholes named Monsoon Breeze(sexual psychopath), komantos, Miles and such do a stupid goodwill unban then those that got banned before get rebanned for nothing. They suck ass! Noone will kiss your ass!

  • 5/5

    Pros: The owner is very fair and this is a good room as for x ez duz it x he does not know what he is talking about kamantos, miles are good admins and am proud to be an admin in this room.

    Cons: Nothing is bad x ez duz it x pls go and get a life instead of sullying the character of a good and fair man you are nothing but a moron.

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Followers 166

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